Student Feedback

Dear Student,

This questionnaire is intended to collect information to assess your satisfaction level with the teachers, teaching-learning, evaluation and infrastructural facilities. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used as important feedback for quality improvement of the College.



Department Name:

1. The teachers make a sincere effort to cover the entire syllabus in time:

2. The teachers are able to explain the topics efficiently:

3. The teachers link the subject to real-life experiences and create interest in the subject:

4. The teachers provide guidance/counseling in academic and non-academic matters in/outside the class:

5. The teachers encourage participation and discussion in class:

6. The teachers use modern teaching aids/gadgets, handouts, suggestion of references, ppts, web resources, etc.:

7. The teachers pay attention to academically weaker students as well:

8. The teachers invite opinions and questions from students on the subject being taught:

9. Internal assessments are conducted as per schedule:

10. The teachers use non-traditional methods of evaluation like quiz, seminars, assignments, classroom presentations/participation (or any other method):

11. Sports facility in the college:

12. Internet facility in the college:

13. Extra-curricular activities in the college:

14. Canteen facility in college:

15. Toilets/washrooms are hygienic and properly maintained:

16. Pure drinking water is available in college:

17. Grievances/problems are redressed/resolved well in time:

18. The functioning of Placement Cell is satisfactory:

19. Classrooms are clean and well maintained:

20. Availability of prescribed books/reading materials in the library:

21. Availability of reading room and common room in the college building:

22. Availability and accessibility of online educational resources in the college:

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