Books & Journals

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Suri Vidyasagar College Library has a rich Collection of 61,489 (sixty one thousand four hundred and eighty nine)  books  as on June, 2022 . Out of the total books  forty two thousand two hundred and ninety three (42293) books have digitalized accession through Koha Software. Users can easily search and find out the availability of Books. Such a huge collection of books and digitalized accession made our Library and the College distinct from the other Colleges in the District. 

At present the College Library has three Sections. There are fifty thousand six hundred seventy three (50673) books in Day Section, five thousand one hundred seventeen (5117) books in the Morning Arts section and five thousand six hundred ninety nine (5699) books in the Commerce section. 

Library is furnished with Reading room where users can sit and read books & news papers in their leisure periods.  

In addition to the text, reference and books for Competetive Examinations, keeping with the pace for research & higher lerning, College Library Subscribes Eleven Journals as listed below as on July 2022:

1. University News: ISSN 0566-2257

2. Current Science: ISSN 0011-3891

3. Economic & Political Weekly: ISSN 0012-9976

4. Yojana: ISSN 0971-8400

5. Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society: ISSN 0008-0659

6. Journal of Indian Chemical Society:0019-4522

7. Indian Literature:ISSN 0019580-4

8. Finance India:ISSN 0970-3772

9. International Journal of Environmental Pollution Controll and Management:ISSN 0975-3842

10. Desh (Bengali)

11.Yojana (Bengali): ISSN 0971-8435

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