3-Year Major in Computer Science has been started from 2023-24. Our future Plan is to introduce 4-Yr UG B.Sc. Honours course with Major in Computer Science.

Our Future Plan is to Upgrade the Institute to PG Level Teaching Institute. At present the only PG teaching Department is Zoology. Matter has been discussed in Governing Body. It was resolved that with the consent of Teachers' Council and the concerned departments, proposal will be sent to proper authority for opening of the PG courses in a few subjects. Meeting with Teachers' Council and the Departments are going on. With the upgradation of the infrastructure, We will send the proposal shortly to Govt. of West Bengal and The University of Burdwan for approval of upgradation of UG Hons. teaching departments viz. Bengali, English, Botany etc.

We have started "Certificate Course on Drama" within the supervision of the Drama Club of the College in 2019-20. Our planning to run this course as an Add-on course with the approved curriculum of the Affiliating University has been full filled. "Certificate Course on Drama" has got the approval of the University of Burdwan. Our Future Plan is to introduce other Add-on course Viz. "Yoga Therapy" under the supervision of Physical Education Department. 

Our Future Plan is to Replace all naked electrical wire lines by Cable lines within the Campus, full replacement of conventional light by LED, and optimum use of solar light in the campus and Hostels. Most of the internal electrical wire lines (Main lines connecting electrical poles upto Meter) have been replaced with cable lines with the help of WBSEDCL. Our target is to attain 100% and to reach in state of zero wastage of electricity. Replacement of conventional light (Tube & Bulbs) with LED tubes & bulbs are in Process. Solar inverter has been renovated in Girls' Hostel. New Solar Connection has been installed in Aurovinda Bhawan. One solar water pump setup has been working in the Campus. Our target is to Mapping the whole campus with renewable energy in steps.

Library is the backbone of any educational Institution. Library upgradation is a timely need particularly due to  the huge change in course curriculum of subjects due to adoption of CBCS and NEP 2020. Since 2017 we have taken several steps to continuously upgrade the Library of the College which includes digital accession of the books using Koha Software followed by digital accessibility in cloud server using Koha ILMS, subscription to N-List Journals & e-resources through INFLIBNET, e-Newspapers, Subscription to Printed Journals & e-journals for research, Purchase of Books, establishing MoU with Social Science, Kolkata for digital preservation & accessibility of endangered heritage property "Birbhum Barta"  and so on.  Open access to the Library area has been increased for students and whole library is under CCTV surveillance. Our next target is to increase reading room area for students and making the whole library digitalized in steps. In future, we have also target to introduce BLIS and or certificate courses in Library Sc.

Our future plan is to introduce IT based skill enhanced Add-on-course for the students as much as possible. Language Lab cum conference Room will be used as a multi tasking room for such add on courses primarily and the room will be renovated with more computers for the purpose.

We are in constant touch with different institute and organisations. We have signed MoUs with almost 20 Institutes so far. Our future plan is to increase the MoUs with institutes, NGOs and other establishments for effective resource management to run courses for effective implementation of NEP 2020 and cope up with the lack of Human resource, when required. 

We have no separate research Programme leading to Ph.D. Degree till date. But teachers of four different departments (Bengali, History, English and Commerce) are now engaged as research Guide under the affiliated University and Seacom Skills University. Our target is to engage 25 percent of our Ph. D. degree holder faculties  in research guidance.  We have also taken initiative so that 75 percent of the faculties in substantive post and 25 percent of other regular teachers register for Ph.D. programme of other Universities in next five years. With the Constant supervision and inspiration of IQAC and Research Committee, our aim is to achieve the target of atleat one publication from each faculty per academic year. Our future plan includes formation of Research Advisory Committee, Ethics Committee for research, the subscription of Plagiarism tool kit, and support faculties with initial cost of paper & Printing Costs etc.  

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